Sunday, December 11, 2022

Christmas Prep

Today's post is short and sweet. Not a lot of crazy when on today. The craziest thing was that the kids were so well behaved and reverent today. I was worried about how the activity would go over since it wasn't super interactive but they loved it. Today we practiced our songs for the Christmas program and the best singers got to help decorate my tree. It turned out so cute! I just love these kids! 

Junior Primary

Senior Primary

Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Welcome to Sister Brady's Singing Time!  I recently got called to be the Primary Chorister in my ward and have loved every Sunday for the past three months!  It seems like every Sunday there's at least one little story that made me smile either from laughter or from the sweetness of these cute kiddos.  I wanted to be able to capture all these stories for my memory but also share them with others since so many people don't get the opportunity I do to spend time with these sweet little ones.  

Today we had a couple cute moments that I wanted to highlight.  We are learning our Christmas songs and I needed an activity that we could sing the same song over and over again without the kids getting bored.  I decided to play hot/cold with a picture of a start and to give the kids jingle bell bracelets (made with pipe cleaners) to shake as we sang the song.  I made all the bracelets last night but didn't anticipate the kids shaking them so hard that they came apart.  One of the littlest kids, shook it so hard that the pipe cleaner came undone and started launching the jingle bells in the air across the room.  He didn't even realize the bells were gone until he stopped shaking it.  Fortunately, they didn't hit anyone and we were able to retrieve the bells without any further incident.  

The other one I wanted to highlight was a sweet moment.  We have a new brother and sister that have only been coming a few weeks.  We sent the sister out in the hallway and had the brother hide the star in the room for the sister to find it.  We started singing and as soon as the sister came in, the brother got so excited and ran up to show his sister where the star was hidden.  You could tell they have a very sweet relationship and are there for each other.

I'm out of time for now but I'll have to add some of the older stories when time permits but I look forward to taking a minute each Sunday to share a little moment and hopefully put a smile on your face.  Thanks for reading!

Christmas Prep

Today's post is short and sweet. Not a lot of crazy when on today. The craziest thing was that the kids were so well behaved and reveren...